CNC Machining
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Industry Leading CNC Machining

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) enables engineers and manufacturers to have complete control over how parts are machined. CNC machining takes the guesswork out of parts production and enables highly accurate parts to be produced in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take. As one could imagine, the benefits of such devices and systems is boundless. Using either a CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) or CAD (Computer Aided Design) file, CNC takes the instructions from these files and uses them to create a finished product from raw material to exact specifications. At Leussink, we have state of the art CNC machinery in our 4,000 square metre, ultra-modern workshop that enables us to precisely manufacture any type of part that you require. Some of the CNC machining equipment in our workshop isn’t available anywhere else in Australia, which gives us a unique edge in the Australian manufacturing industry. Our skilled engineers employ CNC machining to deliver precisely detailed parts with a level of quality that is unmatched in the industry. When we partner with you, we develop an intimate understanding of your business, including the challenges you face and the successes you’ve achieved. By doing so, we position ourselves to best support you with engineering and machining solutions that work.

Our CNC Machining Services

CNC Milling

One of the most common examples of CNC machining is CNC Milling. CNC Milling devices are multifaceted, meaning they can achieve many operations undertaken by cutting and drilling machines, yet with some notable differences. For example, the cutter in a CNC Milling machine can move along multiple axis, meaning it can create a variety of shapes, slots, and holes. Ideal for producing a large variety of components, CNC Milling services are perfect for prototyping and short-run production of complex parts that require the utmost attention to detail.

Leussink has state of the art CNC Milling facilities and equipment, as well as highly skilled and experienced staff to cater to all our clients’ needs.


CNC Turning

CNC Turning machines can deliver on your project in many ways depending on the machine and your requirements. Also known as ‘subtraction machining’, CNC Turning is the removal of material to uncover the part within. Leussink’s CNC Turning machines are capable of working on round, square and hexagonal shapes, to name a few. At Leussink, our CNC Turning machines can accommodate multiple tools in order to provide more options for complex parts. Our facilities allow our machines to be able to offer various tooling and spindle options, outer diameter limitations, as well as power and speed capabilities. Being able to offer our clients variety means we can create the parts you need to your exact specifications and tolerances.

Leussink’s engineers and machinists have the experience, training, and expertise to create a solution that is economically efficient in both time and cost, without compromising on quality.


Wire Cutting

When you need to produce high volume parts to tight tolerances, CNC Wire Cutting can consistently deliver quality and accuracy. The intricacies that a CNC Wire Cutting machine can achieve enable it to produce items with a diameter measured in the thousands of an inch, all the way up to measurements of several inches. Aside from being able to complete projects requiring the most detailed measurements, the versatility in the hardness of conductive metals that it can cut is remarkable. From copper to molybdenum and tungsten, a CNC Wire Cutting machine can cut these materials with ease, reducing production times and the costs associated with producing the parts.

As with any service that we offer, Leussink will work closely with you to determine your needs and objectives, and then assess if CNC Wire Cutting is your best option. However, if this element is just a part of a bigger project, we will be able to incorporate it into a full encompassing tailored solution.


Surface Grinding

Surface grinding of precision components is another important part in the manufacturing process. While this element of the process has traditionally required the most manual control of any step in the production process, thanks to technological advances surface grinding is now automated via CNC. Where once a skilled grinder would manually labour over every individual piece to ensure a high finish, Leussink’s CNC Grinders are able to provide a high-quality finish that is friction resistant, at a speed and quantity that was previously unachievable.

CNC Surface Grinding machines are loaded with either a CAD or CAM file, which provides exact grinding instructions and ensures each item meets the exact tolerances and specifications laid out in the original design. Leussink will run tests to make sure that specifications are exact and to your expected level of quality.


On-Site Machining Services

When parts are too large or urgently needed for off-site repair, Leussink’s on-site machining service brings the factory to you. Our rapid, tailored solutions minimise downtime by eliminating transport delays, and our experienced engineers work closely with you to address specific requirements. Leveraging decades of expertise, we ensure every repair meets and exceeds quality standards with components sourced from world-leading suppliers.

At Leussink quality is paramount, and our on-site machining service reflects that commitment to excellence. Because of this, all our suppliers are world leaders in the elements they manufacture, which is why we have chosen to partner with them specifically. Every tailored solution that Leussink creates is made with the highest-quality components from around the world.


State-Of-The-Art Machinery

Zayer Memphis

Zayer Memphis 4000

The Zayer’s head is programmable in infinite angles with through tool coolant available. A product of Spain, Leussink Engineering is the only job shop in Australia that houses a Zayer Memphis 4000.
Machine travel: X4000mm (extendable) x Y3000mm x Z1500mm.

Horizontal Bed

Universal Horizontal Bed Mill

Boasting a fully programmable head indexing front and back giro at one degree increments, the Universal Horizontal Bed Mill offers precision CNC milling in both horizontal and vertical, and everything in between. The Universal Horizontal Bed Mill is controlled by a Heidenhain Controller and we are able to extend its work table to support fully support larger workpieces.
Machine travel: X4000mm x Y1300mm x Z2000mm


Okuma MA60 Horizontal Pallet Mill

Equipped with a 60 tool changer, twin 600mm pallets and offering high speed spindle machining, the Okuma MA60 Horizontal Pallet Mill is the best in class CNC tool for mass manufacturing. With supreme accuracy and speed to reduce cycle time, the Okuma MA60 is designed to efficiently produce that parts you require.
Machine travel: X1000mm x Y800mm x Z8000mm

Dah Lih

DahLih CNC Vertical Machine Centre

From producing small individual workpieces through to high volume production, the versatile DahLih CNC Vertical Machine Center can do it all. With an arsenal of DahLih CNC Vertical Machine Centers in our workshop with integrated 4th axis rotary tables (including the DahLih 1020, 1450, 1500, and 2600), we have the capability required to get the job done right for you.



Our Okuma controlled CNC Lathes can produce individual workpieces as well as high volume production jobs. In the Leussink job shop we have LB300, LB3000, LH55 and LB4000 Okuma lathes to accommodate lathe work of various sizes.


our quoting

Leussink provides free quotations for the machining of your part and can offer ‘do and charge’ and contract work arrangements.

Our ‘do and charge’ arrangement, popular with many of our repeat customers, allows the value of the part to be calculated in terms of the time taken to produce the part plus the cost of material to give a final fixed price. This allows for quicker turnaround times because there is no need to wait for a quote. If getting your machine back up and running is more important than getting a quote before any work is done, then ‘do and charge’ is the right option for you.

Our contract work arrangement guarantees a fixed price for a given period of time, which can include the pre-manufacture and storing of stock in our warehouse.